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Historische Dokumente aus Rajasthan

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Arzdasht 101.
Magha Budi 1, 1748 = 26.Dezember 1691
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Bishan Singh
Informing in detail the news of the royal court and reports that the emperor has ordered prince Azim-ush-Shan to retreat from Sholapur and attend on him (emperor). Thanks for promoting his brother Megh Raj as a Vakil. Assures him that he will perform his duties diligently and faithfully as desired. Complains against (Kesho Rai) who has been inducing the nobles of the royal court for his (Kesho Rai) re-appointment.

Arzdasht 102.
Magha Budi 2, 1748 = 27.Dezember 1691
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Bishan Singh
Informing in detail the news of the royal court. Adds that he has noted from the parwana that Megh Raj has been promoted as a Vakil in the royal court and that he (writer) has to look after the work carefully till he (Megh Raj) resumes his duty. Adds that he will act accordingly. Adds that he has written letters to Asad Khan, Ruhullah Khan, Baharmand Khan, Salabat Khan, Latfulla Khan etc. Complains that Kesho Rai has been inducing the Amirs, Umras, of the court against him (Maharaja) and for his (Kesho Rai) reappointment. Assures of his (writer) loyalty to him (Maharaja).

Arzdasht 103.
Magha Sudi 11, 1748 = 19.Januar 1692
Pancholi Megh Raj an Maharaja Bishan Singh
Informing that he has reached there on Magha Sudi 7 and has joined the army of the emperor. Reports that he has met Pancholi Jag Jewan Das and has come to know everything in detail. Assures him that he will work faithfully and diligently as desired. Informs that Nawab Ruh- ullah Khan has attended on the emperor and presented him an Mohar and that the emperor has awarded him a saropa and sirpaech. Reports that Nawab Ruhullah Khan has been granted leave owing to his illness. Intimates that Kesho Rai has completely declined to attend on him (Maharaja). Informs that all the Mutasaddies have met Nawab Ruh-ullah Khan and Nawab Baharmand Khan for the changes to be brought about there. Assures him to intimate more details in his next arzdasht.

Arzdasht 113.
Asvina Budi 9, 1749 = 23.September 1692
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Bishan Singh
Informing that the emperor is highly pleased with him (Maharaja) and has awarded him saropa, elephant, an increase of 500 sawars in his Mansab and dams 50 lakh as revenue from pargana Toda Bhim etc. for his conquests of Soghar and Kasot. Congratulates him for the same.

Vakil Report 8.
Phalguna Badi 7, 1761 = 5.Februar 1705
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that he offers a Muzra to Prince Kambaksh daily. Adds that nowadays in the Mughal Darbar the Khojas have been exercising great influence and the Dewan turns up hardly once in a month. The Khojas claim that they can get a work done at a lesser expense.

Vakil Report 9.
Phalguna Badi 9, 1761 = 7.Februar 1705
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Reporting that the Emperor has reached Wakin-Khera, but the enemy (Marathas) has blocked the passages from all sides. The Emperor has sent away Chin Qilich Khan and Muhammad Amin Khan.

Vakil Report 10.
Sravana Badi 5, 1762 = 30.Juni 1705
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that for the last few days the Dewan and the Bakshi have ceased to exercise much influence in the Court while the Khojas are getting all powerful. Since the legs of the Emperor have ceased to function, consequently, he has become incapable of bodily movements. Adds that Zu-l-Fiqar Khan has captured Wakin khera.

Vakil Report 11.
Margashirsha Badi 7, 1763 = 15.November 1706
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Thanking the Maharaja for appointing him as his Vakil. Adds that if a Nishan from Bidar Bakht is got issued it would facilitate the grant of a Nagara for him (Maharaja).

Vakil Report 12.
Phalguna Sudi 1, 1763 = 22.Februar 1707
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that Emperor Aurangzeb died in the morning but the news of his death has been discovered at night by the Begum of Azam Shah and Azam Shah will be reaching there. The Vakil of Kambaksh has been interned.

Vakil Report 13.
Vaisakha Sudi 10, 1764 = 30.April 1707
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the title of Mirza Raja and a Mansab of 7000 Zat and 7000 Sawar has been conferred on him (Maharaja). Also reports that the Farman which was issued to him regarding the grant of title and Mansab has been sent to Shahzada Bidar Bakht.

Vakil Report 16.
Chaitra sudi 1 1767 = 20.März 1710
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that a nishan, hundi und kesar ka panji have been sent to him by Prince Azim-ush Shan through Beni Ram. Also reports about Pura Aurangabad. Further says that Amir ul Umara has informed that on receipt of Maharaja's letter he would write to Daud Khan.

Vakil Report 23.
Magha Sudi 3, 1767 = 10.Januar 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that Ajit Singh must have reached Pokhar (Pushkar). Reports that the emperor has ordered to arrest the Raja of Nahan so that he might produce the Guru (Banda); otherwise he (Emperor) would ravage his territories. Adding that the Raja has been put under arrest and his mother has sent a petition not to harrass her son, as she would find out the Guru and produce him.

Arzdasht 303.
Magha Sudi 11, 1767 = 19.Januar 1711
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the emperor is highly pleased with him (Maharaja). Intimates that he (writer) has received the Parwanas of the Nawab and Dewan Bhikari Das. Informs that after marching on Magha Budi 1, the emperor has encamped at Mauza Sadhaura. Adds that he will inform him later on of the further movements of the emperor. Reports that the Nawab has insulted the Dewan of Nahan and has arrested him. Reports that the Dewan has agreed to produce the Guru. Informs that the Raja of Nahan has been imprisoned disgracefully.

Vakil Report 26.
Magha Sudi 11, 1767 = 19.Januar 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that for the last one and a quarter of a month due to incessant rains many oxen, horses, and men have died and the supplies are not being received. Adds that the Guru after leaving the territory of the Raja of Nahan has entered into the territory of the adjoining Raja. Also informs that the Guru has been found in a big ditch where he has been giving a fight to the armies of both the Rajas. Concludes that Navab Khan Khanan has been appointed as Subahdar of Bengal.

Vakil Report 27.
Magha Sudi 11, 1767 = 19.Januar 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that it has been decided in the Royal Court that the Maharaja would not be sent to Kabul, provided he attends the Court soon. Adds that the Guru will soon be arrested.

Arzdasht 304.
Magha Sudi 11, 1767 = 19.Januar 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that Bhandari Khivsi (Vakil of Marwar) has attended on Prince Azim-ush Shan and has met Mahabat Khan and Qudratullah Khan as well. Adds that the Prince is highly pleased and has asked about the welfare and the whereabouts of Maharaja Ajit Singh and the Maharaja. Reports that he (writer) and Bhandari Khivsi have been sent to attend on Navab Khan Khanan who has been pleased to see them and has asked about the welfare and the whereabouts of both the Maharajas. Adds that they have informed the Navab that both the Maharajas will reach there soon to attend on him and the Prince. Informs that Bhandari Khivsi has also met the Navab and has made some changes.

Vakil Report 29.
Phalguna Badi 4, 1767 = 27.Januar 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that it has been reported that the mother of the Raja of Nahan is bringing the Guru to the Royal Court. Adds that the Emperor has ordered Mahabat Khan to put the Guru in a cage and to produce him before him.

Arzdasht 308.
Phalguna Badi 13, 1767 = 4.Februar 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that Bhandari Khivsi has met Prince Azim-ush Shan, Mahabat Khan and Navab Khan Khanan. Informs that he (writer) has already reported that the Prince has clearly refused as to nothing can be done or requested on their behalf to the Emperor unless both the Maharajas attend on him. Requests him to attend the Royal Court soon alongwith Maharaja Ajit Singh. Suggests that he shall report of his arrival at Narnaul through the wakaia-navis and through a letter to Navab Khan Khanan. Adds that he (Maharaja) may inform that he has been waiting for Maharaja Ajit Singh at Narnaul.

Vakil Report 31.
Phalguna Badi 13, 1767 = 4.Februar 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the Emperor had a Jashn on the 5th instant and ordered his peshkhana to proceed to Saharanpur. Also informs that the Gumasta of Keshari Singh Rathore is demanding the lease of Mauzabad. Adds that in case he (Maharaja) likes to keep the lease of the said pargana, he may be informed of this alongwith an assurance for the payment of lease money, otherwise a reply may be sent accordingly. Also informs that the mother of the Raja of Nahan has submitted to the Emperor that she would proceed the Guru soon after the weather improves.

Vakil Report 32.
Phalguna Sudi 2, 1767 = 8.Februar 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing of the attitude of the Rathores of Jodhpur that Maharaja Ajit Singh would never attend the Mughal Court and in case any prince is sent against them, they would win him over, and in case an army is sent then both the Rajas (Ajit Singh and Jai Singh) would combine and defeat it at Narnaul.

Vakil Report 33.
Phalguna Sudi 2, 1767 = 8.Februar 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Reporting the rumour that the Guru after giving a fight to the army of the Raja of Nahan has gone into the hills. Adds that Churaman Jat has gained influence through Navab Khan Khanan.

Vakil Report 34.
Phalguna Sudi 2, 1767 = 8.Februar 1711
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the Guru is reported to have gone into the hills and a cage has been got constructed for him (Guru). Adds that the cage is such that its nails will prick his body from all sides. Also states that the Emperor has given strict orders regarding his (Maharaja) attendance to the court soon.

Arzdasht 309.
Phalguna Sudi 12, 1767 = 19.Februar 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that he could not send him the parwana of the grant of pargana Chatsu and Newai earlier owing to the illness of the Navab. Sends him nishan and shukka of Prince Azim-ush Shan and the letters of Khan Khanan and Mahabat Khan etc. Reports that his arrival at Kotputli and Narnaul has been entered in the wakaia. Intimates that he has executed a bond for his (Maharaja's) attendance in the Royal Court within a month. Expresses his pleasure to have the grant of village Gopalya etc. Adds other details of the Royal Court.

Vakil Report 42.
Chaitra Badi 8, 1767 = 1.März 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that at the request of Mahabat Khan the Emperor has ordered to send a farman to the Maharaja. Adds that Shahzada Azim-ush Shan wants that he (Maharaja) should attend the Royal Court soon. Reports that the Guru and the Sikhs have become very powerful in Lahore area and it is also rumoured that the Deccanis have crossed over River Narbada and are creating disturbance there.

Vakil Report 46.
Chaitra Sudi 5, 1767 = 13.März 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the Emperor has ordered the advance guard to move towards Lahore on hearing that the followers of the Guru have killed Shams Khan and Bazid Khan alongwith 1500 horsemen. Also requests the Maharaja to attend the Court.

Vakil Report 47.
Chaitra Sudi 9, 1767 = 17.März 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that Jahandar Shah has been ordered to proceed towards Lahore for suppressing the followers of the Guru who have killed Shams Khan. Adds that Bhup Prakash, the Raja of Nahan who was a prisoner of Mahabat Khan has been thrown into the iron cage meant for the Guru.

Vakil Report 48.
Chaitra Sudi 12, 1767 = 20.März 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the followers of the Guru have become so powerful that the people of Batala have fled away leaving behind property worth crores of rupees. Adds that the Emperor has moved towards Lahore and his third stoppage will be at Ambala.

Vakil Report 50.
Chaitra Sudi 15, 1767 = 23.März 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that a farman has been sent to him (Maharaja) through Mahabat Khan. Adds that the Emperor has ordered to imprison the Raja of Nahan in the fort of Salimgarh. Also reports that the Emperor is proceeding towards Lahore to suppress the Guru and it is high time for him (Maharaja) to attend the Royal Court and to win the Emperor's favour.

Vakil Report 53.
Vaishakha Badi 13, 1768 = 4.April 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that on the report of Rustam Dil Khan the Sikhs have been creating much disturbance at Lahore and the Emperor has told that he himself would be going there to suppress the Guru and his followers. Adds that the rumours are afoot that the Deccani rebels have besiezed Ujjain.

Vakil Report 55.
Jetha Badi 5, 1768 = 26.April 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the Emperor has told the Princes and the Umaraos that they will encamp at Rupar as it is close both to Shahjahanabad and Lahore, and that the Guru will not escape towards the hills. Informs that Rustam Dil Khan's request to send him against the Guru has also been granted by the Emperor.
(Note: the last page of the document is in code-language)

Vakil Report 58.
Jetha Badi 14, 1768 = 5.Mai 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Reporting about the march of the Emperor and the Shahzada. Adds that Bijay Singh has gone away from the camp.

Vakil Report 59.
Jetha Sudi 3, 1768 = 9.Mai 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that at the request of Rustam Dil Khan that Bijay Singh is innocent, the Emperor has forgiven his faults and has restored his jagir and has sent a Saropao, Qaul and Panja to him through Gosai Gangadhar with the instructions to bring him (Bijay Singh) back to the Royal Court. Adds that a rumour is afoot that Mahabat Khan would become Dewan. Also informs that the Emperor is marching towards Kalanaur against the Guru.

Vakil Report 61.
Jetha Sudi 11, 1768 = 17. Mai 1711
Divan Bhikhari Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the Guru invaded the village Basi, killed some 2000 persons and plundered it. Adds that the Guru has also an encounter with the Faujdar of Shahzada Muizz-ud-din. It is heard that either the Guru has been arrested or he has escaped.

Vakil Report 86.
Second Bhadrapada Badi 9, 1768 = 26.August 1711
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the Emperor after crossing river Sutlej deputed Ghazi Khan with ten thousand horsemen to pursue the Guru who has gone towards Dabar. Adds that Ghazi Khan and Mohd. Amin Khan could not apprehend the Guru.

Vakil Report 88.
Second Bhadrapada Badi 12, 1768 = 29.August 1711
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Requesting to ask the Maharaja Ajit Singh to reach Dabar and kill the Guru, so that all their demands could be considered. Adds that there is a rumour that the Emperor would move back to Jahanabad.

Vakil Report 109.
Kartika Badi 12, 1768 = 27.Oktober 1711
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing of the discussion that has taken place among Mahabat Khan, Prince Azim-ush-Shan and the Emperor regarding the appointment of both the Maharajas in the Eastern Subahs or in Deccan. Adds that he is requesting the Emperor to grant the Subahdari of Prayag to him (Maharaja) and the Subahdari of Sorath to Maharaja Ajit Singh.

Vakil Report 114.
Kartika Sudi 6, 1768 = 4.November 1711
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that orders have been issued for both the Maharajas to help Muhammad Amin Khan when he is attacked by the Guru.

Arzdasht 333.
Margasirsha Budi 6, 1768 = 20.November 1711
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the emperor has been pleased with him (Mhr.). Informs that he has got the papers of ijafa approved by Nawab Mahabat Khan. Informs that eight hundred sawars and dams eighty lakh have been granted to him (Mhr.) as ijafa for Ahmedabad Gahora in Allahabad. Adds that the amount of kantat will be decided in diwani daftar and that sanad for the same will be taken from there as well. Informs that the Bhandari has handed over the papers of fauzdari duly attested by the qazi to the dewan and hopes that he (Mhr.) must have received the papers by the time. Adds that the farman for the same has been prepared as well.

Arzdasht 334.
Margashirsha Sudi 7, 1768 = 5.Dezember 1711
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the emperor has been blessed with a son on Karttika Budi Budi 1. Informing that the Jashan has been celebrated on the auspicious occasion and the Umras have offered Nagars. Adds that the emperor has awarded Mansabs, Saropas etc. to them in return. Requests him to inform about the activities of the Jats. Adds other news of the royal court.

Arzdasht 336.
Maragashirsha Sudi 14, 1768 (R) = 12.Dezember 1711
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the emperor has been pleased with him (Mhr.). Informs that a farman for the fauzdari of Ahmedabad Ghora, saropa , a horse have been awarded to him (Mhr.). Intimates that all those articles along with the farman and nishan from the prince have been sent to him. Appreciates the efforts of the prince for doing his best in obtaining the fauzdari and requests him to send an arzdasht of thanks to the emperor and the prince. Suggests him to start from there soon. Reports how he has been attempting to settle for the family jagir as well.

Vakil Report 134.
Magha Badi 9, 1768 = 21.Januar 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that he has taken Jagir and according to the instructions of Bhandari and Bhikhari Das. Suggests not to stay at Amber for more than 5 days and to proceed to Ahmadabad-Guhara soon. Adds that the Emperor would go to Kashmir on a pleasure trip.

Vakil Report 149.
Phalguna Sudi 11, 1768 = 8.März 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that Jahandar Shah has emerged victorious in the battle. Requests to convey congratulations and other Nazar to him (Jahandar Shah).

Vakil Report 150.
Phalguna Sudi 11, 1768 = 8.März 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that each of the three Princes who emerged out victorious has declared himself the Emperor. Advises the Maharaja to send an Arzdasht Nazar and Peshkash.

Arzdasht 347.
Phalguna Sudi 15, 1768 = 11.März 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that emperor Jahandar Shah has encamped near Shalimar garden after leaving the camp of Azim-ush-shan. Reports that Rafi-ush-shan has encamped to the south near artillery while Jahan Shah has encamped at the back of Azim-ush-shan and Nawab. Zulfikar Khan has taken the centre. Intimates that Jahan Shah has presented the treasure etc. of Azim-ush-shan to Jahandar Shah which he has got after the war, but he (Jahandar Shah) has returnded the same to him (Jahan Shah). Reports that the emperor has promised to increase the Mansab of the son of Ruhilla Khan, but they have expressed their inability to accept at that time owing to the sad demise of Azim-ush-shan in the battlefield. Assured the emperor that they would act as per orders later on. Informs of the death of Rao Ram Chander in the battle field.

Arzdasht 349.
Chaitra Sudi 9, 1768 = 20.März 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that he has already submitted an arzdasht conveying the detailed news of the royal court. Informs in detail about the arrest of Mahmad Karim by Hidayat Kesh Khan, Wakai-a- nigar. Intimates that Hidayat Kesh Khan has obtained the mansab of five thousand zat and four thousand sawar and has been awarded a saropa for the meritorious services rendered by him. Reports of the arrest of Nawab Mahabat Khan, Khan Jaman Khan, Hamid-ud-din Khan and other sardars by the orders of the emperor. Requests the maharaja to send money to obtain mansab.

Vakil Report 153.
Chaitra Badi 9, 1768 = 20.März 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the title of Mirza Raja and a Mansab of 7000 Zat and 7000 Sawar has been granted to him (Maharaja). Reports that in the battle which ensued between Jahan Shan, Rafi- ush-Shan and Jahan Shah Jahan Shah and Rafi-ush-Shan have been killed and Jahandar Shah being victorious has ascended the throne.

Arzdasht 352.
Chaitra Sudi 7, 1769 = 2.April 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Congratulating him for obtaining the title of Mirza Raja. Reports that Prince Jahandar Shah has been crowned with success and that he has proclaimed himself as emperor.

Arzdasht 353.
Vaisakha Budi 2, 1769 = 12.April 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that he has already sent the copy of the list of Parganas granted to him in Jagir for his Mansab. Intimates that he has sent a copy of Siha of Jagir granted to him. Adds that Malpura has been granted unconditionally to Shyam Singh while Bayana and Hindaun have been granted with certain conditions in Tankhwah. Reports that he has sent the copy of the same for his (Maharaja's) information as well. Reports that Khandela will be granted to Udai Singh in Jagir for his Mansab. Intimates that the Rana has been granted an elephant, two horses, Saropa and the title of Maharana. Adds that Tola Ram has reminded him (writer) for the payment of money to the Nawab.

Vakil Report 163.
Ashadha Sudi 11, 1769 = 3.Juli 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Reporting that the Emperor took his seat on the throne, which was constructed at a cost of Rs. 9 crores by Shahjahan and held an Jashn on 4th Jamadi-ul-awwal. Adds that Amir-ul-Umara and other umraos have presented Nazars to him. Further informs that some troublesome persons have spread a rumour that the Emperor has ordered for plundering Jai Singhpura and people have fled away from there.

Arzdasht 357.
Sravana Sudi 5, 1769 = 27.Juli 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing in detail the news of the royal court. Informs that Fakkr-ud-din Khan has been appointed the faujdar of Sambhar by the emperor. Requests him that he (Mhr.) and Maharaja Ajit Singh should send a razinama so that their (Mhr.) matalibs may be attained. Intimates that the maharaja has requested Nawab Amir-ul Umara for the mansab of Durga Das and that the emperor has very kindly granted him (Durga Das) the mansab of four thousand zat, three thousand sawars and also rupees twenty thousand in cash from Ujjain treasury. Inform that the nawab would be highly pleased if he (Mhr.) would show kindness to Sah Begsu. Complains against Nahar Khan who has been making intrigue to obtain the fauzdari of Sambhar. Intimates that Nasrat Yar Khan has been appointed as the fauzdar of Ranthambhor. Informs about the ijara of the parganas granted to Ikhlas Khan, Shah Quli Beg, Abdul Latif etc.

Vakil Report 168.
Bhadrapada Badi 7, 1769 = 21.August 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that it has been brought to the notice of the Emperor that Maharaja Ajit Singh has raised the standard of rebellion at Kishengarh and he (the Maharaja) has revolted at Naraina.

Arzdasht 359.
Bhadrapada Sudi 3, 1768(?9!) = 24.August 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing of the rumour that Maharaja Ajit Singh has confiscated Kishangarh and has established the thana at Rupnagar. Adds that it is heard that Raja Bahadur has been killed. Reports that Maharaja Ajit Singh has abolished his (Mhr.'s) thana from Malpura, Amarsar and Khandela and has established his own thanas there. Informs that he wants to settle down the Rathores there. Fragment!

Arzdasht 360.
Bhadrapada Sudi 5, 1769 (R) = 25.August 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that Hoshdar Khan has lodged a complaint against the men of Amber who have robbed Mahmad Aqi? Khan etc. on their way, while bringing the treasury worth Rs. 12500/- from Kotar? Piraha in Subah Malwa which is under his (Maharaja) Fauzdari. Adds that he (Hoshdar Khan) desires that the amount may be returned soon. Requests the Maharaja to do the needful.

Vakil Report 171.
Asvina Badi 9, 1769 = 13.September 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the Emperor alongwith the Begums went to the Dera of Nawab Amir-ul-Umara, remained there for two days and the Court was held there. Also adds that Farrukhsiyar sent Timur Beg with 20000 soldiers to bring the treasures from Bengal and Orissa, but the latter was defeated and imprisoned by Murshid Quli Khan, the Dewan of Bengal. (unvollständig)

Arzdasht 363.
Asvina Budi 14, 1769 = 18.September 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the emperor has been pleased with him. Informs the affairs of Hindaun and Sambher, and the letters received from Nain Sukh in that connection. Adds news of Mathura and Narnaul etc. Requests him to have his seal prepared of Jahander Shah's reign according to the custom and to get the coins of Farrukh-Siyar cut down and melted. Reports that Maharaja Ajit Singh has captured the portion of his province unconditionally. Reports that he has been trying to get a parwana from Khan Jahan to settle the issue of the unconditional usurpation of pargana Dausa by Ghesu Khan and abolishing the thana from there.

Vakil Report 174.
Asvina Sudi 14, 1769 = 2.Oktober 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing of the influence exercised by Begum Imtiyaz Mahal and of the "Jashn" which the Emperor is going to celebrate on his birthday.

Arzdasht 366.
Karttika Budi 11, 1769 = 15.Oktober 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the emperor has been pleased with him. Adds that he has already submitted a detailed arzdasht conveying that Khan Jahan and Azam Khan have approached the emperor on hearing the death of Ghesu Khan. Informs of the arrival of Azam Khan in the city having been relieved by the emperor. Adds that Azam Khan is prepared for negotiations to established peace in the country. Adds that more news will be conveyed later on.

Vakil Report 188.
Pausha Badi 11, 1769 = 13.Dezember 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the Nawab Amir-ul-Umara has been pressing for the army. Requests him to send the army soon and to see that Maharaja Ajit Singh's army does not reach the Royal Court earlier than his army.

Vakil Report 190.
Pausha Sudi 15, 1769 = 31.Dezember 1712
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that in the battle fought between Muizz-ud-din and Farrukh-Siyar cannons were used. Also reports that Muizz-ud-din is killed and Azz-ud-din has been captured. Adds that some people say that Lal Kunwar, Amir-ul-Umara and Khan Jahan Bahadur were also killed while others say that they are captured. Requests to send Nazar and an Arzdasht of congratulations to Farrukh-Siyar.

Vakil Report 195.
Magha Badi 6, 1769 = 7.Januar 1713
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing of the Jadam meritorious services rendered by Kalyan Singh Jadam for the Imperial cause and the plundering by Churaman Jat. Also informs of the request made by public for revoking the Jaziya by the Emperor when he visited the mausoleum of Emperor Shah Jahan. Further says that Nawab Asaf ud-Daula has sent an Arzdasht to the Emperor that he has captured and imprisoned Muizz-ud-Din in Salimgarh and Zu-l-Fiqar Khan in some other fort.

Vakil Report 203.
Phalguna Badi 5, 1769 = 4.Februar 1713
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that on Phalguna Badi 3 the Emperor entered the fort of Shahjahanabad and ordered that the head of Muizz-ud-din should be fixed on a Bamboo stick and displayed in the town. Adds that he is trying his level best for the grant of the title of Mirja Raja Sawai. Reports also about the imprisonment of Asaf-ud-Daula.

Vakil Report 206.
Phaguna Badi 11, 1769

Vakil Report 220.
Ashadha Sudi 13, 1770 = 25.Juni 1713
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that the title of "Sawai" has been granted to him (Maharaja). Also reports that an elephant has been awarded to him and that it will be sent later on.

Arzdasht 412.
Karttika Sudi 10, 1770 = 17.Oktober 1713
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that previously the subahdari of Burhanpur was granted to Maharaja Ajit Singh and that of Priyag to him (Mhr.). Reports that Asad Ali Khan has requested Nawab Abdullah Khan to recommend for the subahdari of Thatta for Maharaja Ajit Singh and and that of Malwa for him (Mhr.). Adds that the emperor has very kindly consented for the subahdari to both the Maharajas as desired and the husb-ul-hukms for the same have been handed over to Sah Anand Ram.

Arzdasht 433.
Vaisakha Budi 5, 1771 = 25.März 1714
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing in detail about the escape of Maharaja Ajit Singh and his revolt against the emperor. Adds that the emperor and Nawab Qutb-ul-Mulk have ordered Amir-ul-umara to suppress the rebel. Informs that Mir Jumla and Khan-Duran have complained against Amir-ul-umara that Ajit Singh has escaped with his consent. Reports that son of Mir Jumla and Nawab Amir-ul- umara have not been able to cooperate with each other due to some differences.

Vakil Report 261.
Bhadrapada Badi 14, 1771 = 27.August 1714
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that on receiving the news of the trouble in Kabul the Emperor has granted Subahdari of Kabul, Lahore, Multan, Kashmir and Thatta to Amir-ul-Umara and has given him the authority of confiscating and restoring of the Jagirs in all those Subahas.

Vakil Report 265.
Asvina Sudi 10, 1771 = 7.Oktober 1714
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing of the rumour that Marathas will cross river Narbada at (Chanda) and he (Maharaja) may keep his army alert. Also informs that the work of the Royal Court is at stand still owing to financial crisis.

Vakil Report 266.
Asvina Sudi 12, 1771 = 9.Oktober 1714

Vakil Report 269.
Margashirsha Badi 11, 1771 = 21.November 1714
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing of the differences between the Emperor and the Sayyid Brothers who have ceased to attend the Mughal Darbar. Further adds that the mother of the Emperor herself has visited the Sayyid Brothers and consoled them. Also informs that the Emperor too has gone to the camp of Nawab Amir-ul-Umara to console him.

Vakil Report 274.
Chaitra Badi 6, 1771 = 15.März 1715
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that Raja Chhatrasal Bundela has sent a message to Nawab Amir-ul-Umara stating that the Maratha army has crossed over river Narbada. Also reports that the followers of the Guru are creating disturbances near Batala.

Vakil Report 275.
Chaitra Badi 10, 1771 = 19.März 1715
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that Nawab Amir-ul-Umara has desired to send an army to suppress the Marathas and a Hasb-ul-Hukum has been sent to that effect. Further adds that the Guru is creating disturbances near Kalanaur and Batala.

Vakil Report 277.
Vaisakha Badi 1, 1772 = 9.April 1715
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that it is certain that Bundi will be granted to his (Maharaja's) nephew (sister's son). Adds that the Faujdari of Haridwar has been granted to Hindu Singh Khangrot and that of Sorath to Kunwar Abhai Singh. Also informs that Maharaja Ajit Singh has sent the "Dola"..

Vakil Report 282.
Bhadrapada Sudi 11, 1772 = 29.August 1715
Pancholi Jagjivan Das an Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Informing that he has reported to Nawab Qutub-ul-Mulk that he the Maharaja will come to the Royal Court when the Sanad regarding the grant of Bundi to Rao Budh Singh is issued and that the Rao is put in charge of that Pargana. Also adds that the Emperor has suffered from Fistula for the last so many years and is under treatment of a European doctor.